

Color: Ants can come in black, dark brown, red, or tan color variants.

Size: From 1.5 mm to 13 mm

Description: Ants are insects that have three sections in their bodies – the head, thorax, and abdomen. The thorax is connected to the abdomen by smaller segments. You’ll typically spot six legs on any ant, but only some can fly, like the reproductive ants.

Two sugar ants eat a lump of sugar

Sugar Ants Total FAQ

Sugar Ants Total FAQ How to get rid of sugar ants naturally? To get rid of sugar ants naturally, you can try using a mixture

Bullet Ants FAQ

Bullet ants Total FAQ

Bullet Ants Total FAQ Do bullet ants have stingers? Yes, bullet ants do have stingers. Their stingers are located at the end of their abdomen,

Small Black Ants FAQ

How to Get Rid Of Black Ants?

Table of Contents Hook: Are you tired of sharing your home with unwanted, creepy-crawly guests? Black ants are not only unsightly but also pose a

Argentine Ants FAQ

Argentine Ants Total FAQ

Argentine Ants Total FAQ How to kill Argentine ants? To effectively kill Argentine ants, you need to identify the ant trails and use a bait

Pavement Ants FAQ

Pavement Ants Total FAQ

Pavement Ants Total FAQ How to get rid of pavement ants? To get rid of pavement ants, use a combination of bait and insecticide. Place

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants

How to Get Rid of Carpenter Ants

Table of Contents If you’ve ever had the misfortune of dealing with carpenter ants, you know that they can be a frustrating and persistent pest